Share the multiple ways of SABER to promote creativity for a prosperous world in humanity, justice, innovation and intelligence.
To be a global digital hub of solution and experience in learning, collaboration and development in the field of knowledge, creativity and innovation.

Tropicália Lab do Brasil was created with the aim of being a connection hub for learning, experiences, exchanges, research focused on the areas and segments covered by Lab's authorial products and services.
The commitment is to deliver polished and personalized knowledge, for that, we are a digital, collaborative, interaction and solution lab in the field of education.
A Brazilian brand with multiple identities fed by the interface of different fields interconnected to knowledge, from art, culture, scientific knowledge and technology.

Fabiane Frois B. Weiler
Founder and consultant of Lab. Economist, researcher, Dr. Regional Development and doctoral internship (in progress) in Engineering and Knowledge Management. It is dedicated to the field of applied knowledge within the scope of urban efficiency for the development of humane, intelligent and creative cities. Participates in research groups, study centers and constant professional updates.

My life purpose is to disseminate knowledge and inspiring learning experiences that generate progress for people and businesses, positively transforming society's ways of seeing and thinking in favor of a fair, humanitarian and innovative world.
Tropicalia Lab Specialists
Would you like to be a Lab Associate Specialist? Get in touch and declare your interest! You can write for the blog, participate as an expert in the courses and/or build a partnership. We are open to receiving contributions, as long as you are truly a professionally qualified specialist in any of the Lab's themes. Welcome! Send an email to contato@tropicalialabdobrasil.com.br